Top Tips Ahead of your Scan

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a full bladder for my scan?
Yes. For a full bladder on the day of your scan, drink 500ml an hour before your appointment. Drinking as you arrive at the building will make no difference to your scan, for general hydration you need to be drinking in the week running up to your appointment, for a full bladder you need to have drunk an hour before your appointment.
As well as being good for you in general, good hydration makes a huge difference to your scan images. We recommend drinking a glass extra to what you would normally, each day in the week running up to your scan, so each day you are drinking more than the day before, building up to your appointment day.
Can I bring children to my scan?
Yes, as long as they are part of your total number of allowed guests & you have someone with you to supervise while you're being scanned.​
Is there parking?
Yes. There is lots of free parking within a few strides of our premises.
How many weeks do I need to be for a gender scan?​
We gender scan from 15 weeks for a single pregnancy & 16 weeks for twins or multiples.
How do you tell me the gender?
Our sonographer will tell you the gender of baby & talk you through what she's seeing & how she's identified the sex. Alternatively you can opt for a colour lighting reveal; using your choice of colour for either sex we will light up the wall surrounding the big screen where you will be viewing baby.
What's the best time for a 4D scan
We recommend around 28 weeks for optimal 4D viewing, we can scan much further along than this but recommend around 28 weeks as baby has started to get those chubby cheeks but if they aren't playing ball for your scan we still have plenty of time to invite you back for a complimentary rescan.
Will I get a rescan?
Rescan's are offered if the primary purpose of the scan is unachievable. For example the purpose of a gender scan is to establish a gender, it is a 2D scan, the 4D sneak peek is not the primary objective of the scan & not being able to obtain it is not reason for a rescan.
For 4D packages, the purpose of the scan is to introduce you to baby in 4D HD Live, whilst every effort is made to facilitate viewing of as much of the face as possible the scan experience is about much more than this. A rescan is offered if more than half the face is obscured by cord/placenta/feet etc Wanting the enhanced image option is not reason for a rescan; you may be offered the option of a follow on 4D for a much reduced price - this is at the discretion of Bumpkins York.
For early scans, it is your responsibility to ensure you are far enough along in your pregnancy for the scan package you select, at Bumpkins we only scan trans abdominally (on top of the tummy) earlier in pregnancy you would not be able to view anything without an internal scan.
The decision to offer a rescan is that of the sonographer & entirely at the discretion of Bumpkins. If you are offered a rescan it is to be scheduled before you leave your initial appointment.
What if we are late?​
Whilst we always do our best to accommodate late arrivals it is not always possible. The time allowed for your appointment is allocated in the context of other bookings, if you are more than 5 minutes late it may be necessary to reschedule you for another day.​
Can we keep the gender a surprise?
The simple answer is yes, we offer a surprise gender scan package for this very purpose.
For other 2D or 4D scan packages please make the sonographer aware you do not wish to know the gender of your baby & they will do their best to facilitate this.
For the Simply Gender scan - this scan is recommended if you are finding out in the room; if you choose this package & decide you don't want to find out in the room we would recommend not bringing along guests; please note the sonographer will be scanning for gender as she would usually in this scan package; as much as she can tell you when to open & close your eyes to try & not see gender however the primary objective of the scan is to obtain the gender.
Please note for a 2D scan between 14-20 weeks it is very difficult to keep gender off the screen, once baby is further along & therefore bigger the sonographer has the ability to focus on the top half of baby but prior to this the whole of baby is on screen at once.
We cannot be held responsible for any situation where gender is identified unintentionally.
Can we record in the room?​
We politely request that mobile phones & recording devices are switched off while you are in the scan room. Your images & video clips are available digitally after your scan; either inclusively or as an add on.
Will I receive my images digitally?​​
Images & video clips are included in our all inclusive packages & are available to add on to other scan packages.
Are there any reasons I can't be scanned?​​
As long as you are within the parameters of your chosen scan package, there is no reason you cannot be scanned. However scans at Bumpkins are non diagnostic & do not replace your NHS ones. If you are experiencing any signs of miscarriage, including but not limited to cramping, bleeding or pain you should contact your NHS caregiver.
Bumpkins can only scan individuals over the age of 18, this is due to the framework under which we are regulated.
My friend came and her images are better than mine...​​
We use the same machine to scan everyone, however everyone's body is different. Clarity of images can be affected by many factors outside of our control, including but not limited to BMI, hydration & position of baby.
Do you sell gender reveal items?​
We do. We have a range of confetti & smoke canons, scratch cards, balloons (supplied uninflated) and heartbeat recording animals (suitable after 16 weeks) which can be selected for gender reveals.
When do I pay the balance on my scan?​
When you come for your scan is fine.